Nov 18, 2010

"Twinkie Cakes with Ham Inside"

Thanks to my sister's reminder, I thought I'd add this post her.

For the longest time I refused to call "Pronto Pups" (aka "Corn Dogs") by their those names. I disliked eating anything with the name "Dog" or "Pup" in the title because it felt like I was eating someone's pet. Since I was already familiar with Hostess Twinkies because my sister and I (every once in a blue moon) got to get a treat at the gas station. I always got 1 of 3 things. My first choice was always the chocolate hostess pie, second was the banana flip, and if neither of those were available, I'd settle for Twinkies.  So until I was about 11 years old, I called Corn Dogs "Twinkie Cakes with Ham Inside". I never did explain why I chose to call them this as a child... until now.

I stopped doing this after people at school would give me strange looks when I called "Corn Dog Day" "Twinkie Cakes with Ham Inside Day". I also realized there weren't actual dogs or puppies inside.

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